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The Atlanta Flute Club began in 1997 with a wonderful group of people who wanted to form an organization to promote the flute, to share knowledge, and to encourage each other to be better musicians.


We owe so much to the Founding Advisors: Anna Ayres Smith, Frankie Cavanah, Melanie Cramer Fuller, Kathy Farmer, Carl Hall, Amy Porter, Christina Smith, and Tony Watson who quickly began the process of organizing a flute club. Initially they planned several meeting with interested flutists in the Atlanta area, and in a very short time the club had elected officers:

Anna Ayres Smith - President

Kathy Farmer - Recording Secretary

Natalie Wilson Faulkner - Correspondence Secretary

Angela Allen -Treasurer


The first Flute Fair was March 28, 1998 at Kennesaw State University. The fair's program featured a masterclass with Amy Porter, a Mass Flute Choir Reading session with Kathy Farmer conducting, local exhibitors, and flutists in the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra in a Gala Recital. The first newsletter went out in May of that year. In September 1998 we sponsored an All-State Workshop and Reading Session featuring Nancy Clew. The Pedagogy Round Table Discussion Group started October 25, 1998, hosted by Ms. Beverly Bradley. A Flute and Friends Concert was scheduled for November 15, 1998.


The second annual Flute Fair was held February 27, 1999 at Emory University featuring artist Alexa Still. At the event Kathy Farmer conducted an open flute choir reading session and the Atlanta Honors Flute Choir was a new addition to the fair. With the coming of the 1999 National Flute Association Convention in Atlanta, AFC was ready to help. Kathy Farmer acted as volunteer coordinator and our club supplied needed people to serve as door guards, page turners, and general expediters.


As you can see, the Flute Club progressed quickly in the beginning years and has continued to promote, educate and encourage flutists in the area. In the past 20 years, we have seen growth in the Atlanta flute community with the expansion of our flute choirs, allowing all of us to have many playing opportunities, with the advancement of our young players to be outstanding musicians and with very qualified, dedicated flute teachers who strive for excellence. If you have any pictures, stories, or any memorabilia that you would like to add to our scrapbook please contact us at


People who were strangers just a few years ago are now very dear friends. Yes, we share the love of the flute, the desire to be better musicians, the great joy of playing in a flute choir, the inspiration of hearing good music, the loyalty of encouraging each other for auditions, etc. The Atlanta Flute Club has grown in size as well as quality. It has brought the flutists in the area together to share the love we have for the flute and has created great friendships that will last a lifetime.

©2025 Atlanta Flute Club

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